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Take advantage of our knowledge!

Virtual reality is exciting and inspiring. Just like the world of indie gaming!
That's why you'll find some cool facts about VR, indie games and the everyday life of game developers on our blog - there's plenty of useful know-how too. In short - we love to talk about these exciting things!

Entering the world of virtual reality (VR) gaming unveils an entirely new realm of entertainment. When comparing them to traditional games, we can discern several significant differences that define what makes VR so exceptional. So what are the biggest differences between VR games vs normal games? ➡️ 1. Immersion: In VR games, we experience an entirely new level of immersion. By donning VR goggles, we feel as if we're truly there. It's an unforgettable sensation when the game's space envelops us

In the world of gaming, certain types of games grab our attention and keep us coming back for more. Horror games give us chills and thrills, while cooperative games like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes offer a different kind of excitement. Let's take a closer look at what makes these cooperative games so appealing and why they're loved by players everywhere and why people like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes? Players who enjoy Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and are looking

Today is Earth Day! 🌍🌱 It's a very important day of the year as it reminds us how fragile our planet's ecosystem is and that every day we should do a small, good deed for it! ✨ ➡️ In collaboration with the Eden Reforestation Projects and our publisher, Perp Games, for every physical copy of Mixture purchased on PSVR2, we plant one tree! 🌳 Additionally, we recommend checking out Oculus TV by Meta, where you'll find interesting documentaries about the Earth! Nature

What a weekend it was! On April 12th, Mixture Premiere on PCVR and PSVR2 - we couldn't be more excited about what the future holds for our game! 🚀 On premiere day, we devoted all our energy to ensuring that new groups of players could also experience the best of what our game has to offer. With versions available on PCVR and PSVR2, we were able to introduce many enhancements and novelties that made Mixture even more captivating! 💫 Compared to